
Look at you.

You made it.

You survived 2016.

Maybe by a thread, but you did it. You survived just about every form of hell this year. You survived ups and downs. You survived the rise and fall of people and nations. You survived victories and destruction. You survived death and life.

You made it.

2016 is another scar on your skin, one that you can wear with strength and courage. It hurt you, yes. But you are healing and you will become stronger. 

You made it.

You have witnessed countless events in history that will be remembered for years to come. You have seen both peace and war, hope and loss, destruction and rebuilding. Every day that passed this year was another stitch in the fabric of your past and your future.

You made it.

2017 is going to face its own challenges. You will experience pain and loss. But you will also experience incredible things and hope. You can do this. Look at how far you have come. So seize the day. Do not accept defeat. Be the change that you want to see in the world. 

Speak up, breathe deeply, run fast, leap high, use your head, help others, reach out, take care of yourself, dive in.

 Take 2017 and own it. You can do this.

You made it.

I’m proud of you.

Oreka Godis