

Happy Digestion Smoothie

Oh She Glows writes:

This smoothie combines the power of many digestion-friendly and immune-boosting foods:

// Pineapple // Digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits, immune support. One cup gives you 105% of your daily Vitamin C requirements. I use frozen pineapple chunks in smoothies to save time.

// Fresh ginger // Soothes the intestinal tract and helps with digestion. Awesome for all kinds of gastrointestinal relief, such as morning sickness. Anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.

// Fresh parsley // Rich in vitamins K, C, A, folate, and antioxidants. It’s a natural diuretic which can help release water retention. Opt for flat-leaf parsley as it’s less bitter than curly parsley. Cilantro would be a nice swap here too!

// Avocado // Major anti-inflammatory benefits + heart-healthy fats. High in fibre which aids with digestion.

// Banana // Rich in B6, manganese, Vitamin C, fibre, and potassium. Interesting to note – while bananas are high in sugar, they have a low glycemic index score which means that they won’t spike blood sugar levels. It’s soothing to the digestive track and thought to regulate the bowels and enhance friendly gut bacteria.

// Lemon // Rich in vitamin C. Aids digestion and helps flush out toxins.

I also add some coconut water and probiotic powder for an extra boost! Feel free to add a handful of spinach or kale too.

Find the recipe here.
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