A post shared by Oreka Godis (@orekagodis) on

A significant nod to that time @tasalahq’s Zainab said β€˜I am just playing with your hair’. Gurlll! What would this look like if you were serious? πŸ™†πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ
She started by taking down my stretched hair (African threading), applying heat protectant and lightly blow drying for extra length then, she wrapped and pinned my strands away as she saw fit and I was none the wiser of the awesomeness she created till I saw this video yesterday.
Thank you Zainab! Thank you TasalaHQ!
#LeaveInTheKinks #MyKinkAndI #Curlvolution #4CHairChicks #GodisHair