Oreka Godis

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Broken Childhood: A True Story of Abuse' by Lydia Ola Taiwo

We need to talk about abuse and parenting.

Synopsis from Amazon

At the age of five, Ola was torn away from a safe and happy foster home in Hastings and taken back to live with her real parents in London. It was the start of a nightmare. Forced to adapt without warning to a new life with people she did not know, Ola found herself the victim of unending abuse. No love was shown to her by either parent. Instead she was beaten almost daily, and often left to cope alone with a younger sister and brother and a mountain of household tasks. Unable to confide in anyone at school, she learnt how to lie to cover up for her parents, even in the face of severe injury and hospitalisation  She could see no way out of her desperate situation. How would she survive? This is the true and shocking story of her experiences. 

I implore you to read this, share and discuss in your book club. 

Peace, Love and  Compassion